Read | Write

Chillax and Read

Summer Reading Group

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
The Community Building Movement
3 min readJul 31, 2023


I hope all of you are staying cool and getting ready for the new changes on Medium, which is looking for more personal stories than AI-generated lifestyle hacks.

This week we are looking at stories from real human beings. Can you tell the difference? In this week’s comments, address whether or not the article is within Medium’s new guidelines for boosting.

Our summer itinerary is below. Just remember a few things with this Reading Community — you must read as per the time of the article. We are all speed readers, so this takes patience and honesty. (I use a timer :)

Remember, this only works if you reciprocate.

There will be another list in a week.

Reading Guidelines

1. Read as per the suggested Medium Reading Time. This is challenging, as I’m a speed reader. So what I do is I look at the time at the top of the article, and then I turn on my timer and slowly read it to make sure I’m not short-thrifting the writer.

2. Highlight if this is something you usually do. Apparently this helps with stats.

3. Leave a comment. Not just a nice read. What insights did you glean from reading it? — an excellent place to start. What one thing did



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
The Community Building Movement

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.