Reading Writers

Sail Away with Us

A Reader’s Journey

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
The Community Building Movement
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Welcome back to Week Fourteen of our 2024 reading community. I hope you enjoyed last week’s reading list. We’re still here, and I truly believe reading groups are a great source of writing enrichment and community building. I hope you are all still in, as we are the real backbone and engine of this platform.

We will do something differently this time to help us grow as writers. After reading the story answer the question: What makes this article worth reading?

Thank you, as always, for being part of this community of like-minded readers. If you are OVER IT, please let me know. If there is someone not reciprocating, please let me know. And . . . please let me know if you have a particular story you would like to share. I know. It’s annoying when someone says they are reading, and there is no evidence of it. Speak up.

We have another round of great stories and poetry, another excellent mix of what it’s like to live and love in 2024.

Our Crew

Nevena Pascaleva
Michael Cappelli
Michelle Renee Kidwell
Antonio Segovia
Stephen Dalton
Mary Louisa Cappelli
Kallol Mazumdar
Olivia Love
Patricia Timmermans
Jonny B



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
The Community Building Movement

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.