Story Number 666: A Devilishly Delightful Milestone and Celebration

I had to do this one since it fell within the month of October aka Spooktober and just short of Halloween


Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash

No, I’m not a worshipper or believer in the dark arts or in Hell or Satan or anything but I know that the milestone alone will spook some people. It is Halloween and that’s a great thing to accomplish after all.

There’s no way to actually avoid this milestone unless I had retired after writing my 665th story. It’s actually a fun prompt response to Jay Davidson and you should check it out.

Adrienne Beaumont asked me about this one after I had written my 600th story and I just knew that I’d have to reach this milestone and write about it as one of my celebration posts but in this case doubling as a spooky celebration to a certain section of the population. This would be the same population that thinks that Hocus Pocus 2 is evil because Bette Midler is in it. (Just kidding, but not really.)

I’m sure you’ve read the news about that mom down in Texas who thought that the movie would open the portals of hell or something ridiculous like that. Well, I’m not opening any portals to anywhere celebrating a number that is just another random triple in a list of a handful between 1–1000.

I’m also thinking about writing a 777 story milestone to balance out the devilish choice I made this month. If I’m correctly projecting the milestone, it should be sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That means that it’ll be very possible to finish with 800 stories before the end of the year.

I’ll get to 700 stories fairly soon and this is a nice stopping point to stop and enjoy the journey. I’d like to thank so many people for continuing to support me and the publications. International Indie Collective (The Community Building Movement, The Press Box, Internationale, Digital Global Traveler, and The Random Nerdiness Collective) continue to see tremendous growth.

I’m also closing in on 300,000-lifetime views and should reach that milestone in the next couple of days after another strong month with three viral stories carrying my numbers this month. October has been a momentous month after a down September. I also passed over 3,000 followers earlier in the month.

Even though I started writing in August 2021, I didn’t write in my favorite month of October last year because my membership accidentally lapsed and I didn’t feel comfortable writing even though I essentially got a free month after the mishap. This month I’ve more than made up for that averaging just over two stories a day.

I’ve just added a few new editors across the family including Bumpyjonas, B A Little, and Asma Mohseni. They join a family of editors that already includes Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Mike Butler, Mary Louisa Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD, Sandra Jasionowska, and JF Danskin. Many long-time readers and followers I’d like to thank are Debra G. Harman, MEd., Carmellita, Sieran Lane, The Night Bunny, Danielappletona, Michele Maize, Katie Michaelson, Christopher Robin, KiKi Walter, Preeti Ramachandran, Kit Desjacques, Bernice P., kt lee, Ginger Cook, Ira Robinson, Scot Butwell, Scott Younkin, Sofia Chen, Marketa Zvelebil, Suzanne Pisano, Pamela Oglesby, Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages, Anne Bonfert, JoAnn Ryan, Robert Ralph, Mona S Gable, Drashti Shroff, Gabby Gabs, Marilyn Glover, Andrey Pilipets, Linda Ng, Erica Marie, Sally Prag, and TzeLin Sam.

Here’s Jay Davidson’s dinner party story:

An inspirational post from editor, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

A Digital Global Traveler story from editor B A Little

A fitting scary story from Choose Your Own Adventure from editor JF Danskin

Editor, Bumpyjonas, commented on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Check out this challenge that editor, Mary Louisa Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD, has started in the Community Building Movement.

Editor, Sandra Jasionowska, contemplating why she’s so productive.

Editor, Asma Mohseni, writing about why you should travel to the Philippines, which happens to be my mom’s home country.

Join us at the Community Building Movement to continue your fellow writers every day.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
The Community Building Movement

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.