The Company I Keep — Part Two: The Experience — Introduction

The Wesley Centre. November 1-15, 2008. 

David E
The Company I Keep
1 min readMay 26, 2014


Poverty cripples many in Hamilton. I was asked to define community on many different occasions during the course of the semester. On September 23, 2008 I defined community as:

“A place where individuals with common likenesses or ideals
gather together to inform one another, or to grow alongside one
another for the common good of either helping or enriching the lives of others around the specific community.”

Some ask for coffee. Others ask for change. Others just want someone to talk to. I have grown up here all my life. I consider myself well versed in aspects of poverty and homelessness although I’ve never actually been through it, or seen it first hand – until now. Borne out of a mission to help the poverty-stricken in the city of Hamilton, Wesley Urban Ministries vision of community is one, where:

“Justice and compassion guide the way they live, and where all
members are treated with respect and dignity.”

The harsh criticisms and connotations this community face are not always just. These people are people, not objects we should look down upon. In the end, I hope by reading this you realize one thing: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.



David E
The Company I Keep

Word Nerd. Writer. Author. Powered by Espresso. Everyone has a story to tell, what’s yours?