Julie McGarvey
The Compass Rose
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2016


A Change I Have Made In College

Over the last three months my life has been nothing but changes. From living with two complete strangers to not listening and following my parents rules. The biggest change I have made over the past three months has to be the time I go to bed. When I was living at home I was usually in bed every night by 9:30 and asleep no later than 10:15, but right when I got to school that all changed. Sure I was use to staying out late on the occasional Friday or Saturday, but nothing could have prepared me for staying out past midnight more than half the week. My body just isn’t use to staying up so late and then waking up so early to get to my 8am class. My whole sleep schedule is out of wack because I’m constantly surrounded by people and there is always homework do to or events to attend. The less sleep I get at night means the more naps I need to take during the day. The naps are what help me function at night, but they also help me avoid all the homework I have due through out the week. My sleep schedule has definitely affected me in other aspects of the college life. My energy level, appetite, and work drive is always fluctuating causing many inconsistencies. When I go home I will definitely have to adjust to a new sleep schedule since, I won’t be surrounded by people so late at night anymore.

