Experiencing Change

Kenny Goddu
The Compass Rose
Published in
1 min readDec 7, 2016

Entering into your first year of college you start to think it’s going to be great. All the free time in the world, you’ll be on your own, and you’ll make some great friends. On those points, yes college will be great. But it’s also stressful. First of all everything is on you at this point, no one can take the blame expect for you. What you do in college is what you have to live with.

For my first year experience I didn’t get sucked into the false hope of “Oh everything is gooding to be great”. Instead I knew coming in that this year first year will make or break people. From my pass experiences with school I knew that some points I’m going to stressed out and I know that I’m going to have to work harder then most people. The thing that kept me going is my goal to finish college and go to grad school.

The thing that changed for me is the fact that I’m going to have to work hard but I’m not going to be alone. There are so many people that are here to help you and here to see you succeed. You go to college to learn and work hard and professors know that. If they see you struggling they won’t say something to you unless you make the effort to want to become better.

