Growth Mindset

Ever since I got to UNE I felt like I have learned a lot more about myself than I did in most of my High School career. I learned that I have what it takes to get the grades I need in order to achieve. In high school I always put myself down thinking I wasn’t smart enough to get good grades. I got to UNE and realized that you can’t just skip assignments because you don’t want to do them, you have to do everything you can in order to get the proper grades. I am very excited to see what lays ahead in my college career if I keep up what I am doing. I want to open up my own business some day and hopefully become very successful in what I do. My parents have always told me I am very smart and that I have what it takes but I always thought they would just say that to make me feel better about myself. Now that I am actually here and doing it I realize that I do have what it takes to succeed in college and someday I will be a successful person. I just have to keep up what I am accomplishing and I should be good. I feel as if I have changed almost completely as I transitioned to college. I realize more who I am and what I need to do.

Zach Biron
The Compass Rose
2 min readDec 4, 2017


