Growth Mindset

Ari Leggett
The Compass Rose
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2017

Since I have started college at the University of New England, I have noticed how much more care that I have put into my work than in high school. During my high school career, I definitely put the necessary work into my grades, but college has opened up my eyes for my future. It made me realize I want to be successful as well as financially stable in order to support myself and my family in the future. My study habits changed from only writing note cards to reteaching myself, taking down notes from the powerpoints before class, fully paying attention, study groups and more. I realized if I really want this, I have to do it myself and make the changes. I am eager to start my junior year and go into the clinics to learn more about my dental hygiene major. I have been trying and I care about the grades I get especially since there is a minimum grade requirement. I feel more confident in myself and I care less about what others think. My mom stated to both my brothers and I that she has noticed a change in my behavior within these past three months. With many obstacles on top of my rigorous course load, I have been trying not to let the stress and pressure on me to exceed everyone’s expectations get in my head. Coming with their disadvantages, these obstacles also come with many unseen benefits; They help me grow as a person and work diligently in school no matter how much of a pain they may be.

