Learning To Live With Others

Taylor Brouillette
The Compass Rose
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2016

When I first moved into college I was unsure what I was getting myself into. I went from living in my own room with one sibling and being able to go where ever I wanted to be alone like my room. Once I moved in I new everything was going to change. I realized that I was going to have to share are room smaller then the one I have at home with three other people. When I found out that I was going to be living with three other people I wondered what my roommates where going to be like. I wondered if I was going to get along with them or anybody on my floor and I wondered what they where like. When I met my roommates they were best friends before we moved in so I wondered if I was going to fit in at all with them. When I met them they were real nice and we got along right away. It was weird trying to change to learn to live with others. Its not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but there are sometimes that I wanted to be alone and by myself at times. Not only do I want to be alone sometimes at other times my roommates have a lot of people in my room and they stay in there really late sometimes. That is one thing that makes me up set. When my roommates make me mad or I dont want to be in my room I go sit outside in the hallway with my friends on my floor. I can say I found somebody leaving here that I can trust and tell everything too. I still miss home being able to be alone and do my own thing with people not bothering me. I always look forward to going home when I get home I realize that I am really bored because I am so use to being around so many people at all times. When I go home I am happy to be home and have my own time, but I do miss being around many people and look forward to going back.

