My First Semester of College

Sully Sullivan
The Compass Rose
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

What I’ve learned about myself in this first semester of college is that it’s very easy and very bad to procrastinate when it comes to doing work in college. I haven’t had to pull an all nighter yet but I have come close a couple of times when working on a paper or a project that I waited until ten o’clock at night to start working on. I also learned that even if you think a class may be useless you should still make the effort and put in the work that the class requires before hand, like don’t wait till the end of a semester to start actually giving a shit about a class because it’s just gonna come back around and bite you in the ass. You’re gonna have to cram a bunch of work and learning into such a short period of time that your brain will actually start to feel like it’s gonna explode. So I think the most important thing that I’ve learned this semester is that you definitely have to stay on top of your work no matter what, even if it means you have to miss out hanging with friends. In college your work and your education should be the absolute number one priority.

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