Advancing the bridge

Jessica Kerr
The Composition
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

Software Development has moved forward a lot recently. Both on the code side and the runtime side, we’ve had huge advances.

we’ve seen more advances in writing code and in running it, than in the bridge from written to running

We have way better languages and frameworks for writing applications now. For instance, JavaScript, JQuery, and modern frameworks like React were all big steps. Or you could look at Java, Spring, and now Spring Boot. For source control: cvs, git, and now GitHub changed the way we work.

Then on the runtime side, we don’t have to deploy to hardware anymore. Virtual machines were a step, and then the cloud, and now Kubernetes is a big deal. Kubernetes is a big deal because it’s higher level of abstraction, where developers can work in the language of the domain of software. But that’s not all: Kubernetes also offers an API, which means we can work with it using code.

We can do more with code now on both sides, thanks to expressive frameworks and to an API for hardware. But there’s something in the middle lagging behind.

A scary chasm: the team wants to get code across to the magical land of production. The rope bridge is beset by lightning and sea monsters.

The bridge from source code to running software is Delivery. Delivery has made advances: we went from Bash and make to pipelines. But pipelines have been around for a decade, and since then we’ve got … more pipelines. It’s time for the next revolutionary step.

This is Atomist’s mission: to change the way we deliver software. Not to make it incrementally better, but to rethink delivery the way we’ve rethought application architecture and runtime infrastructure.

The way forward is not more pipelines. Nor is it event more bash scripts or configuration that wishes it were code. The way forward is not updated separately for each delivered application.

The way forward is to do more with code. In a real programming language. The way forward responds to events in the domain of software delivery: to code pushes, and also tickets, pull requests, deploys, builds, and messages in chat. It responds in context: when our delivery machine decides (in code!) what to do with a particular change, it does so with awareness of what the code says, of who changed it, in response to what ticket. It responds in communication: when in doubt, contact the responsible human and ask them whether they’d like to restart the build, submit the pull request, or deploy to production.

As we succeed, our systems increase in complexity. The systems to control them need to be at least as smart. We need more power in our delivery than any GUI screen or YAML file can give us. We have that power, when we craft our delivery in code on a strong framework with a domain-specific API.

Atomist as the next sea change in delivery: event hub, API for software, delivery in code.

Every company is in the software delivery business now. Let’s take it seriously, the same way we do our code and our production runtime.

Get started today with the open-source Software Delivery Machine.



Jessica Kerr
The Composition

Symmathecist, developer, speaker, mother, crazy nut. Atomist. Learning and growing. All tweets are mine, licensed CC0. she/her