The Composition
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2018


It has been an incredible year helping improve the state of software delivery in our world. A little over a year ago, Atomist was in early access, and a lot has happened since then.

Some of the highlights:

  • The open source Software Delivery Machine project for automating delivery actions reached 1.0
  • Atomists Jessica Kerr and Rod Johnson contributed along with other authors to the Software Defined Delivery Manifesto to shine the light on the need to engineer software delivery system.
  • We added native support for Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry and Docker images
  • The Atomist service went from early access to publicly available early in 2018

We also sponsored and attended over 20 major events, handed out thousands of T-shirts and stickers, and enjoyed meeting so many of you there. You are the reason we build Atomist.

And some of your favorite posts to read were:

Thank you to our community of customers, partners, and friends for your usage, input and help this year.

As we head into 2019, I would love to hear about what you’re most interested in around software. Drop us a line at, in our community slack, or the chat on our website.

From the whole team here at Atomist, we wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to more #DoItInCode in 2019.

