Software Delivery Machine 1.1.0 released

The Composition
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2018

We are happy to announce the release of SDM 1.1.0. In this release we focused on performance enhancements and making the SDM more robust in high load situations, like e.g. running a CodeTransform across an entire GitHub organization or scheduling tens or hundreds of concurrent goal sets.

Additionally we addressed several bugs and issues identified by our users and customers.

New Features

The following noteworthy features were added in the 1.1.0 release:

  • The Cancel goal lets you cancel pending or running goal sets of the same SDM on the same branch to conserve build resources
  • Scheduling the Queue goal will limit the number of concurrent goal sets executing to a configurable concurrency limit per SDM
  • Introduction of several pluggable strategies to configure HTTP and WebSocket connections through proxies or certificate configurations
  • Support for GitLab


Here is the combined changelog for the following released projects:

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and the projects adhere to Semantic Versioning.


  • Add support for canceling goals. #572 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Add review listeners that set goal result state. #573 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Fingerprints do not support deployments to staging. #579 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Update child_process usage. #584 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • CommandHandlerRegistrations supporting hints for “autoSubmit”. #577 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Add support for trigger listeners. #595 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Add Queue goal to queue goal sets. #597 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Add support canceling goals. #80 @atomista/sdm-core@1.1.0
  • Add GitLab support. #81 @atomista/sdm-core@1.1.0
  • Add review comment sorter. #402 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add gc stats onto statsd. 7639432 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add initial GitLab support. #399 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add low-level child_process promise functions. #406 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add autoSubmit to CommandDetails. ee0e474 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add auth endpoints to configuration. 1680df8 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Add GraphClientFactory. #410 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Introduce Commit editMode and allow PR to specify base. #414 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Introduce promise pool to limit number of concurrent executions. #417 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0


  • Make code on ExecuteGoalResult optional. #586 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Polishing: use readonly arrays. #591 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Run PushMappings sequentially. #594 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Update to latest graphql-code-generator. #401 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Extract creation of HTTP and WS clients for registration to proper factories. #409 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Introduce Commit editMode and allow PR to specify base. #414 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Chunk editAll operations. #416 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • Update to apollo CLI for gql-fetch. #52 @atomista/cli@1.0.3


  • Update child_process usage. #584 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Mark existing spawn and exec functions and interfaces as deprecated. #406 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0


  • Configuration Validation Issue. #578 @atomista/sdm@1.1.0
  • Namespace our in process messages. d0cf724 @atomista/automation-client@1.1.0
  • SDM local mode ignores token configuration value. #215 @atomista/sdm-local@1.0.3
  • Fix some typos in the text intro for config. #50 @atomista/cli@1.0.3

Update Path

For this release, please run the following commands to update your SDM installation:

$ npm install --save-exact \
@atomist/sdm@1.1.0 \
@atomist/sdm-core@1.1.0 \
$ npm install --save-exact --save-dev @atomist/sdm-local@1.0.3

Run the following command to update your CLI installation:

$ npm install -g @atomist/cli@1.0.3

