The Author’s Introduction

All praise is due to Allah The Lord of the Worlds. And may God send His blessings upon our master Muhammad The Prophet and his pure family and all of his companions.

The Judge (Al-Qadi) Abu Shujaa’ Ahmed Ibn Al Hussain Ibn Ahmad Al Asfahan (May Allah have mercy on him) said:

I was asked by some friends (May Allah preserve them) to write a concise treatise that reaches the peak of brevity and the extent of succinctness in Fiqh (Jurisprudence) on the Madhab (School of Law) of Imam Ash Shafi’i (May Allah’s mercy be upon him and May Allah be pleased with him). So that the study of Jurisprudence would be simplified for the learner and so that its memorization would be made easy for the beginner. And they have asked me to increase in it the mention of categories and the enumeration of the many types (the author is mentioning that he will try to explain Shafi’i Fiqh by categorizing information and by diving pieces of information into types and characteristics). And so I answered them in that, seeking reward (from Allah the Almighty), wishing from Allah that He gives me the ability to mention what is correct. He (Allah) is All Capable (Al Qadeer) of doing whatever He wishes. And towards His servants, he is The Most Kind and He is the All-Knowing.



Ibrahim Farooqui
The Concise Treatise: A Translation of Matn Abi Shujaa’

Arabic Linguistics || English Literature || Usul al-Fiqh || Fiqh || Usul al-Hadith || History