The Book of Purification: Types and Categories of Water

Chapter: Types of Water and its Categories

The Waters which can be used for purification are of 7 types:

  1. Water (that descends) from the sky (i.e. rainwater)
  2. Sea Water
  3. River Water
  4. Water (obtained) from Wells
  5. Water (that gushes) from Springs
  6. Snow Water (Ice)
  7. Water (that is a result of melting) hailstone (برد)

Furthermore, water is of 4 categories:

  1. Water that is pure in itself and can be used for purification and is not disliked (Tahirun Mutahhir/Tahoor), and that is Al Maa’ Al Mutlaq (الماء المطلق that which can be given the name “water” without any additional necessary clause such as ‘rose’ in rosewater which can’t be called just water).
  2. Water that is pure in itself and can be used for purification but is disliked (Makrooh), and that is Al Maa’ Al Mushammas (water that has been exposed to the sunlight under certain conditions).
  3. Water that is pure in itself but can’t be used for purification, and that is:

- The water which has been used (for an obligatory act of purification).

- The water which has been changed due to the addition of a pure substance.

  1. Impure water, and that is:

- Water in which there is an impure substance and (the water) is less than Qullatain (160 Liters)

- Or it was (water in which there is an impure substance) Qullatian (160 Liters) but was changed (one of its characteristics; taste, smell, the color changed due to the addition of the impure substance).

And Qullatan is 5000 Rit’l Baghdadi[1] (a unit of measurement in the author’s time) approximately based on the more correct (opinion).

[1] 500 Rit’l Baghdadi is equal to 160 Liters approximately, though there has always been a difference of opinion on the exact quantity of Qullatain.



Ibrahim Farooqui
The Concise Treatise: A Translation of Matn Abi Shujaa’

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