Is Your Organization Ready? 5 questions you should be asking about digital transformation

Conference Board Signal
The Conference Board
2 min readJan 27, 2017

Digital transformation requires asking some hard questions about an organization’s basic operating assumptions, business models, available talent and skills, and organizational culture. Here are five questions to help kick start what is often a complicated conversation.

1. Does our organization have a digital strategy that goes beyond implementing technologies?
2. Do our leaders have the digital vision, knowledge, and skills to lead digital transformation? Can they communicate the vision, business case, and operational changes to the workforce?
3. What are the organizational capabilities we will need to execute our digital strategy? Do we have the expertise and processes to determine the best way to build those capabilities, e.g., using talent, technology, or a combination of both; crowdsourcing; or using ecosystem partners?
4. Does our current organizational culture support the elements of digital transformation such as collaboration across internal and external boundaries, agility, risk taking, etc.?
5. Do we have the talent needed, where we need it?

This blog post is part one of a four-part series, The Future of Digital Transformation and Innovation. Join us next week to discover the 12 behaviors of highly engaging leaders. Do your leaders have them? Do you?

How the Digital Transformation Will Transform Everything

An blog chart

Download the full report and articles from The Future of Digital Transformation and Innovation UnConference to learn how to make your transformation effective, discover why this transformation is more consequential than the industrial revolution, and get more research and insight about digital transformation from The Conference Board.

