Want More Innovation? Up Your Diversity and Inclusion Game

Consistently innovative companies are four times more likely to be highly inclusive

Conference Board Signal
The Conference Board
2 min readFeb 16, 2017


To achieve true digital transformation, organizations need to be open and inclusive to tap knowledge and ideas that reside both internally and externally in other companies and institutions. Partnerships, especially nontraditional ones, and collaboration are the basic elements of successful innovation.


In its report Inclusion + Innovation: Leveraging Diversity of Thought to Generate Business Growth, The Conference Board found that the most innovative companies in its survey — those with a self-reported track record of continual organization-wide innovation — were more than twice as likely to describe their company as highly inclusive as those with sporadic innovation in some business units. The findings also show that consistently innovative companies are significantly more likely than inconsistent innovators to be extremely effective at encouraging external innovation networks.

This blog post is the fourth of four installments in the series, The Future of Digital Transformation and Innovation. Want more insight into how successful companies are embracing digital transformation? Discover the very latest research and advice from experts and leaders in the new report, Beyond Technology: Building a New Organizational Culture to Succeed in an Era of Digital Transformation.

