Yoga : A means or an end : Contemplation from my life

Jitesh Vaswani
The Confessions of a Meditator
2 min readJun 18, 2016

I have been reflecting on my life lately, and contemplating on a lot of things that I want or don’t want. The ups and downs of everyday life have become like a pattern. The same emotions come up and go in patterns like clouds in the hot Arizonian sky. So, that part is pretty much the same. The changing of either people, situations of events has been a constant. But, then how am I suddenly able to observe all these changes !!

There seems to be something inside of me, which is not changing, a reference of sorts, which is able to observe all this and much more.

Something inside of me has become rock solid. A stability has dawned. Even though, the things around me, may be in turmoil, but deep inside of me, nothing is really happening. What is it! That has brought about this change inside of me, and, also made me aware of my unchanging self . What is it ! A thing to wonder ?

Probably, this is what Yoga does to you. Is this the awareness that everyone talks about ! I think it is.

Aha! An opening dawns on me as I contemplate. Throughout all these years of practicing/ doing Yoga, Yoga has now actually happened in me. The means of reaching that union is the union unto itself. The journey itself is the reward. It is okay, if this does not strike a bell inside of you right now. To the intellectual mind, this may seem like a duality. But, it is an inexplicable reality to all the practitioners.

Yoga, a practice derived from the ancient Vedic culture, which cuts through all religions, cultures and nationalities, brings about that union between the mind, body and the breath. Something, that unfolds unto itself.

If you wish to embark on this amazing journey of the mind, I would like to invite you all, reading this, to a beautiful program which will empower you inside out. I am teaching this starting June 22nd (the right next day to the Intl’ day of Yoga) at ASU Tempe Campus . Come ! Relax and smile with me ! “Let go” of your worries, fears, anxieties and settle into a deep space of love and awareness



Jitesh Vaswani
The Confessions of a Meditator

Faculty with “YesPlus, International Association For Human Values” and "The Art of Living" | Also a mutant. A yogi who lives in the present moment. Ask me how