New Moon in Scorpio Waxes into Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

Lara Kline
The Confluent
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2021
Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash

New Moon Realness

As the universe goes about its business during the rest of this waxing moon in Scorpio, the transformative energy continues to give us new opportunities (as long as we’re open to them).

Mercury is out of retrograde (for a few minutes, anyway), and we can finally light those fires of progress with childlike excitement again. Research the things that bring joy, and keep the doors and windows open to whatever changes the wind carries.

Ugh, and if you’re a naturally restless person like I am, we should prepare to feel even more so during this waxing moon thanks to Uranus’s influence. But this kind of energy translates into the oomph to break free of suffocating habits or circumstances.

Enter Taurus Stage Left, with Eclipse Taking Center Stage

On November 19, Taurus barges in with its eclipse energy in tow. All the investigating we did during Scorpio’s new moon might naturally result in an in-depth evaluation of our values and our goals, and Taurus is here to help us sort through that noise.

Intense investigation may lead to low self-esteem traps and a wee bit of self-doubt. This is natural and serves its own purpose, so try to observe these feelings rather than live in them. Powerful eclipse energy has the gumption to assist with forward movement.

Taurus itself touts a certain affinity for money matters, as well as general security and stability. To those of us who like to do road opener rituals on the new moon, this full moon eclipse can give that kind of work a punctuated kick in the right direction. Lifting existing barriers to progress sometimes takes creativity, but overthinking will sabotage you almost every time.

Eclipse Chaos Disclaimer

Eclipses are harbingers of abrupt change. What we have on the 19th is practically a total lunar eclipse (98%) on a full moon. This is not likely to be a gentle hand-holding and a whisper about what’s best while the sweet scent of dew tickles the nostrils. Even if we feel ready for what’s to come and have been welcoming change for months now, eclipse energy reminds us that open arms can still leave us vulnerable to surprises. Whatever awaits, it’s the necessary next step into what’s in our best interest.

