Ten top transformation insights

Veronica Collins
The Connection
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2018

Wise words from our team & clients on the work and potential of digital transformation.

On Embracing Change

“The best teams are going to be ones who wrestle with the uncomfortable nature of change, and figure out how to partner with technology to succeed. And I mean success for humanity, not just for the bottom line of your company.” — Tim Booker (tweet this quote)

“Digital needs to be in our blood. A new generation is emerging, with new expectations: we must design our digital services to serve the public, with our whole ecosystem connected.” — Mairi Welman in Three Stories of Transformation (tweet this quote)

“Most of the organizations that we interact with — from our governments, to our hospitals, educational institutions, small and medium business across Canada — are operating with technical environments that are at least 10 years old. We are not using 90% of the capabilities that technology has given us for running most of our organizations.” — Kevan Gilbert (tweet this quote)

“Digital transformation is not an isolated update: it doesn’t look like a new IT tech project, marketing automation, or HR payroll system. Digital transformation is a systems-wide renewal.You need to be prepared to engage many areas of your organization and culture.” — Domain7 (tweet this quote)

Building Connection

“People in my life have encouraged me to ask, ‘Where is the connection and conversation that precedes this tool? Is the way I’m using this making things better?’ It’s ok if asking those questions slows down the process a little. When connection precedes technology, the tech has more of an opportunity to create both business and human flourishing.” — Tim Booker (tweet this quote)

“A good digital transformation, empathetically undertaken, can bring your network of people to the forefront so that you see all these different centers of intelligence, insight, and input. Suddenly you are a much richer organization, because those viewpoints are getting shared. You have so much more insight that you can respond to.” — Veronica Collins (tweet this quote)

Leading Digital Change

“The future of successful people in this technological society and even in the technological industries does not necessarily belong to those who feel compelled to say ‘yes’ to every digital trend. It belongs to those who have the discretion to decide how we lead our own lives — people who are equipped to lead others well.” — Tim Booker (tweet this)

“The road to a more robust digital future starts in your questions — the places where your organization is unique, and uniquely challenged.” — Domain7 (tweet this)

“Sometimes we are so driven towards this disruptive model of tech leadership that we simply want bulldoze our vision through, instead of acknowledging the incredible network of people who are part of this story with us.” — Kevan Gilbert (tweet this)

“Digital transformation is a creative pursuit, an essential pursuit. And it takes courage to go there.” — Kevan Gilbert (tweet this)

Explore your organization’s transformative potential, with more digital insight from the Domain7 team.

