Is it possible to have lower performance when you are stressed out?

Madhurima Sappatti
The Conqueror’s Saga
4 min readAug 12, 2022
Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Stress definitely affects performance! I would like to explain this phenomenon by using exams as an example.

Now we know how stress can definitely lead to you scoring less in your exams! But why does it happen? Read on to find out why!

Here’s the deal, when you are stressed out, your mind stimulates a condition of fight/flight/freeze, basically pushing you into survival mode. In a scenario like this, your rational mind is not really functioning at its highest, especially if you are under great stress and everything is signalling at you being in danger.

This is why often times we have moments like this while writing an exam -

  • Sweaty palms
  • Racing heart
  • Feeling restless
  • Forgetting information
  • Feeling Breathless

These are all things that are great if you do need to run/fight/freeze while trying to survive, but not that great while trying to write a paper.

Plus you are basically overworking yourself by ignoring these signs of stress and trying to get your rational mind to work!

If you do find yourself in this scenario, here are a few tips for you to relax and go from Survival Mode to Rational Mode -

  • Try to go to the washroom, and splash water on your face to almost shock you into coming back to the reality of the situation and that you are not in danger!
  • If you can dance/jog/run to get your blood pumping and to basically complete the stress cycle and get the jitters out of you!
  • Hold yourself tightly and try to breathe deeply to physically relax yourself and go to Rational Mode.
  • Realize that the exam/project result is not the end of the world! A lot of people (myself included back when I was a student studying for highly competitive exams and was constantly falling sick and burning out) think that this result has the power to change our world, but the reality is that this exam is just a part of the rest of your life! It might change the direction your life will take by a bit, but how your life unfolds is just as much in the hands of fate as they are in yours. Know that all you can do right now… is give your best!

I hope that this helps anyone who might be studying for their exams right now or who is working on a major project! You got this! Let’s go!!

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Before I go, here are some announcements from my world that can get you excited and hyped for the coming week -

  • New Market Research is now in the market (hehe). I would love to learn of better ways to serve you, so if you have the time, please fill out this form! There is candy, sorry, free gifts at the end! (That wasn’t a bribe. It’s an awareness of what exists on the other side, very much on brand with today’s newsletter!)
  • Pre-Launch of my course Burnout 101 has begun. Learn everything you can about Burnout from what it means to how you can navigate, overcome, and prevent it! The launch sale has the course valued at $101 instead of $169! Reach out to me on Instagram to book your Early Bird ticket for the course!
  • I recorded a workshop with Cyndi Conway-Booth on Money Mindset for an Entrepreneur! Check it out here!
  • Michael Janda shares his journey as a creative inside The Soul’s Conquest! Before his episode releases, be sure to check out the stories of some of my other guests, such as Chris Do, Anna Davidson, Amie Barsky, and so many more brilliant changemakers!
  • AGNI is now on the lookout for 2 amazing coaches who would like to go from being Burnt Out to Thriving in 7 weeks! If that is you, this is your SIGN to fill out the form for AGNI and join the official waitlist!
  • If you would like to start out by getting basic support with your burnout/stress but would like to have a taste of what coaching can create for you, I invite you inside my 1:1 pay-what-you-want container Aarambh to take your first step towards freedom from burnout.

Let’s go!!!

P.S. Before you do go, don’t forget to Clap, Share, and Subscribe to this publication and Comment on what parts of the article resonated the most with you!

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Madhurima Sappatti is a Freedom Soul Coach and she is amazing!! As a Freedom Soul Coach, her aim is to guide changemakers, especially coaches, to get Freedom from Burnout and Limiting Beliefs, and go from being Burnt Out to Thriving. The intention, in the end, is to create a sustainable space that will help the coaches grow, expand, and experience Freedom. She brings together inner work, burnout, and spirituality to enable as many people as possible to follow their dreams and passions!



Madhurima Sappatti
The Conqueror’s Saga

Freedom Soul Coach — Burnout Coach who utilizes Spiritual techniques to carve the path to freedom. Manage stress, Navigate, Overcome, and Prevent Burnout!