Health Insurance for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, and Early Retirees

It’s open enrollment time again


People who are self-employed, retired, or gig-economy workers are out of luck when it comes to getting affordable health insurance from traditional providers.

I should know. I’m all of the above.

I’m self-employed as a writer, retired from my practice as a psychotherapist, and in the gig economy as an adjunct college instructor. I’m a little shy of 65 so I’m too young for Medicare.

At the same time, I’m too old to qualify for a reasonably priced policy. My premiums have gone through the roof.

Or they would have if I had decided to keep paying them. I just couldn’t make myself do that. If I had kept the same policy this year that I had last year, I would have paid more for health insurance than I was paying for my house and car combined.

Surely, there must be a way to qualify for an affordable policy without taking a…shudder…job. I started looking for a workaround, and this is what I found.



K M Brown
The Conscious Dollar

Retired psychotherapist who loves a good story. Author of From Fear to There: Becoming a Confident Traveler