Where Do Your Food Dollars Go?

Spending them consciously will help you savor your life

K M Brown
The Conscious Dollar


Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

I’ve read some great stories about food, diet, and nutrition over the past few months. And I love reading about food because, well, first of all, I love food. I mean, who doesn’t?

But my interest has shot through the roof since I’ve gotten so obsessed with where my money goes. I’m not just talking about where the money goes from a budget standpoint and how it’s so easy for it to trickle away, a little at a time, with me hardly noticing.

Of course, that’s plenty important too. But I’m talking here about where my money goes after it leaves my bank account.

I want to know what kinds of practices I enable with my dollars. I want to know whether they’re working for good or for evil. Who is being supported by my purchases? Who is being harmed? That kind of thing.

That’s why I was happy to find Pascal Bedard’s story about the way we, as a society, outsource our food production. We let other people do our dirty work for us.

Even though Bedard’s writing is new to me, I’m very familiar with this phenomenon. Sometimes, when I tell people I’m vegetarian, they say, “Oh, I would be too if I had to kill animals myself to get my meat because I love animals.”



K M Brown
The Conscious Dollar

Retired psychotherapist who loves a good story. Author of From Fear to There: Becoming a Confident Traveler https://tinyurl.com/26uhya