4 Differences Between Assertiveness And Aggressiveness

#1 Assertiveness strengthens your relationships — aggressiveness damages them.

Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

It’s not easy to distinguish between assertiveness and aggressiveness, especially if you’re programmed to view these two traits as synonyms.

If you’re a people-pleaser, you probably justify aggressive behavior as assertive — and you’re afraid of being assertive because you don’t want to be aggressive.

Assertiveness can feel like aggressiveness if you have no idea how to stand up for yourself and set some boundaries — which leads you to stay silent and pretend everything’s fine.

And aggressiveness can feel like assertiveness if you’re conditioned to view pushy, demanding individuals as “better” than you — therefore viewing someone as “assertive” when what they’re really doing is manipulating and controlling you.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your self-worth. When you believe you deserve to express yourself and have your needs respected, you gradually become more assertive.

Here are 4 differences between assertiveness and aggressiveness.

1. Assertiveness strengthens your relationships — aggressiveness damages them

