Avoidant Attachment: Everything You Need To Know

Is your independence a trauma response?

Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way


Photo by James Garcia on Unsplash

The avoidant-dismissive attachment style is one of the three insecure adult attachment styles, and it’s characterized by an avoidance of feelings, emotional closeness, and intimacy.

If you have this attachment style, you probably push people away and see yourself as an independent, self-sufficient individual who doesn’t need anyone else. You feel safer in superficial relationships with people who share your need for space and independence.

The problem is, your extreme independence is a coping mechanism. It’s something you’ve developed to cope with unmet needs.

If you recognize the avoidant attachment style in yourself, I’m here to tell you everything you need to know.

The Signs of An Avoidant Attachment Style In Adult Relationships

Avoidant individuals will let you be around them, but will not let you in. As soon as things get serious, they become extremely uncomfortable. These are the main signs of an avoidant attachment style:

  • You always feel that others are too needy;
  • The idea of committing to one person terrifies you and makes you feel extremely overwhelmed;



Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way

Sharing my healing & awakening journey to make you feel a little less alone on yours ✧ https://linktr.ee/patriciaswilliams