How To Feel Worthy of Saying No And Standing Up For Yourself

Here’s exactly how I did it.

Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

There are many reasons why some of us struggle so profoundly with saying no, and these reasons often intertwine.

At a surface level, it’s the desire to be liked and approved by others. We think that saying yes to every request is a shortcut to approval, a way to construct a facade of agreeability that shields us from potential judgment or disapproval. However, there are much deeper thoughts, beliefs, and defense mechanisms at play.

If this is something you struggle with, rest assured that you’re not alone. I used to be just like you, and there are many people like us out there.

I’ve spent a significant portion of my life bending over backward to accommodate everyone’s needs and desires, saying yes when what I truly wanted was to say no. It became a habit — a reflex, almost — as if my worth depended on meeting everyone else’s expectations, even when it meant neglecting my own needs.

Now, I’m exactly the opposite. I express myself clearly, say no when I want to say no, and set boundaries with no hesitation or fear of judgment. It doesn’t matter if I’m dealing with the most complicated and self-centered person in the room — I stand my ground.



Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧