When Your Old Self Has Died But Your New Self Hasn’t Fully Emerged Yet

How to survive the in-between

Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way


Photo by Matthew Brodeur on Unsplash

When we’re truly dedicated to our own inner work, things begin to change in ways we can’t always control.

We can feel it happening, maybe even see it happening in slow motion: the person we were, the habits, the comfort zones, the relationships that no longer fit — we start letting them go, piece by piece. And suddenly, we’re standing in this strange, weightless space, somewhere between who we were and who we’re supposed to become.

This is the liminal space. And it’s one of the hardest, rawest, and most uncomfortable places to exist.

I’ve spent a lot of time in that space, trying to figure out who I am now and who I’m becoming. It’s a place that feels like you’re walking on shifting sands, never quite sure when the ground will give way beneath your feet.

Every day, you wake up not knowing if you’re still carrying the weight of your past or if the future is finally going to let you in. And you can’t rush it. You can’t make it go faster. The more you try to force change, the more elusive it becomes.

You just have to exist in it, even when it feels like the hardest thing in the world.



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