You Are Under No Obligation To Remain The Same Person You Were A Year Ago, Or Even A Month Ago

You’re allowed to change.

Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way


Photo by Philipp Cordts on Unsplash

We humans dislike change. We want the familiar, the comfortable, the known. The prospect of transforming into someone different can be unsettling, challenging the very core of our identity.

Sometimes, we find ourselves clinging to the familiar because we’re too attached to the expectations others have about us. We hesitate to break free from the mold they’ve created for us, fearing that stepping into our true selves might not align with the narrative they’ve constructed.

At other times, it’s the fear of our own capabilities that prevents us from changing. We convince ourselves that we aren’t capable of handling such significant shifts, and so, we keep pretending, conforming, performing.

Whatever our reasons are, they often paralyze us.

It’s natural to find comfort in the person we were yesterday or a year ago. Familiarity provides a sense of stability and security. But what if, in the pursuit of that stability, we are inadvertently sabotaging our happiness? What if we’re holding onto situations and relationships that have long ceased to contribute positively to our well-being?



Patrícia Williams
The Conscious Way

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧