The Biblical Seraphim

The Conspiracy Theory Issue
2 min readJan 7, 2023


Seraphim have long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and it’s no surprise that conspiracy theories surrounding these celestial beings have been floating around for centuries. From claims of secret government agendas to whispers of ancient prophecies, there’s no shortage of wild speculations about what these winged creatures might be up to.

One popular theory is that Seraphim are actually agents of the government, working behind the scenes to manipulate world events in favor of some grand agenda. According to this theory, Seraphim are somehow able to predict the future and use their powers to steer events in a particular direction. Some even claim that Seraphim are working in concert with otherworldly beings to bring about a New World Order.

Another theory suggests that Seraphim are actually messengers from another dimension, sent to Earth to spread knowledge and wisdom to humans. According to this theory, Seraphim are not only able to predict the future, but they also have the ability to manipulate it. Some even believe that Seraphim are able to communicate telepathically with humans, imparting knowledge and guidance through dreams and visions.

Yet another theory suggests that Seraphim are actually the guardians of a hidden knowledge, which they keep locked away in some secret location on Earth. According to this theory, Seraphim are entrusted with…



The Conspiracy Theory Issue

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