How To Write a Positioning Statement for Your Business

It’s not the same as your value proposition

Nina M. Q.
The Contechi Blog


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Knowing who you serve, and how you serve them, may seem pretty elementary if you’re running a business. And yet, if I had a penny for every founder I’ve met who failed to articulate that concisely, I would perhaps not be rich. But I’d sure have a pretty big pile of pennies.

Because there is this one common mistake that everyone in business (myself included), is always tempted to make. We like to think we can help everyone.

And if we can’t help everyone, we still don’t want to close the door to anyone. Because that would be the same as closing the door to potential revenue, right?


Instead, by trying to attract everyone, you’ll end up attracting nobody. Because nobody will perceive your solution as the perfect fit for them.

And every prospect is looking for the perfect fit for them.

For them, specifically.

Which requires you to be just that. Specific.

Let’s say, for example, that a SaaS startup is looking for a copywriter.

Will they go for a copywriter that caters to all kinds of different niches and industries, and claims to be great at it? Or are…

