How Content Is At The Soul Of Our Purpose And Happiness

Sarah Seweryniak
The Content Connect
2 min readApr 17, 2020
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash
The Content Connect Podcast: Episode One

When times are tough what do we often turn to for renewal of our purpose and to gain inspiration? That’s right, it’s content!

What the content we absorb is

A good book that you can’t put down. A song with a beautiful melody and lyrics that make an impact once it hits your ears. A film or television show where we can unplug and forget about our latest worry for a few minutes or a few hours.

Sights and sounds help pull us through tough times.

So how is it that content is at the soul of our purpose and happiness?

It educates us

Content not only inspires and recharges us it also educates us.

Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” — Richard Branson

There are various topics and genres that we can reference to learn something new every day! Whether you tune in to the news, watch a documentary or listen to a book on tape, our minds grow after we absorb content.

In fact, reading has been shown to not only make us smarter, but also more empathetic.

It builds trust

According to HostGator, most companies try to build trust in one-on-one relationships. The key to gaining credibility is actually by focusing on content marketing.

By developing informative pieces you can show rather than tell an audience what you’re about. These actions will capture the hearts of your audience t. It will show that you’re a source of knowledge in your area of expertise.

And we’re nothing without trust.

Right place at the right time

We all have a story! If you’re going through something then you should write about it. If you’re an expert in a specific field than you should write about it. There is someone out there who is seeking that information.

“Content is the reason search began in the first place.” — Lee Odden

Content tends to show up at the right place at the right time — just when we need it. This is why creating pieces that can reach and inspire someone is so important. And why I love content so much and that’s why it’s such an important medium.



Sarah Seweryniak
The Content Connect

I write about Marketing, Self-Improvement & Parenting | Increase your article read time and grow your Medium following: