Write For Us | 5/19/2021 Updates

Sarah Seweryniak
The Content Connect
3 min readApr 12, 2020
Photo by Stanley Dai on Unsplash

Submissions to The Content Connect is temporarily paused!

While we’re presently not accepting new writers, please feel free to fill out the Google Form and if you’re a fit you’ll be added as a writer when things open back up.

Topics we’re looking for

  1. Marketing & Communications — Stories about content marketing, branding, etc.
  2. Writing — Share writing tips, how to be successful on Medium, etc.
  3. Life Lessons & Self Improvement — Share the lessons you’ve learned in life how it has made you a better person.
  4. Personal Development — What activities have you done to develop your personal and professional capabilities.

How to be added

We can’t promise we’ll add every writer, but we will follow through and take a look at your profile. We’re looking for well-developed writers who are clear in their thought process and well-rounded in their writing abilities!

You must fully fill out this form to be considered

Fill out this form to write for us!

We want you to get paid for your work

Medium Partner Program allows writers to make money off their writing. Please make sure your story is behind the paywall.

Submission guidelines

If your piece does not follow the following guidelines then your piece will automatically not be accepted. *Note: That by submitting your piece you agree to allow us to edit the piece as we see fit. This includes changes to images, titles, headlines, etc.*

1. Tell your story

Please make sure to include a story with your piece. Don’t show, tell us. Show us what happened to you so that we can relate to you more and understand the lesson learned. Help us forge emotional connections to your world.

2. Edit

It is important to edit your piece so it is free of grammar and spelling errors. Your work should also flow and make sense. We suggest using the resources that are linked in this paragraph. We do not have a problem making a few edits, but if we have to go through your entire piece heavily then your work will be disqualified.

It’s also important to make sure your articles flow well. Use Hemingway Editor to help with this. Make sure words and sentences are easy to understand and are not repetitive.

Also, be sure to break up sentences so your paragraphs are not big chunks. I always recommend looking at your piece as art. Use the headlines as a guide and make sure a paragraph doesn’t exceed four lines.

3. Titles

Make sure your main story title is relevant to your piece. We also suggest writers use Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer for their titles. We’d like to see a title that ranks 70+. This helps YOU rank higher in search engines. coschedule.com/headline-analyzer

4. Images

Make sure you’re using images from Unsplash or your own photographs that you have the right to. If you use your photos, state that in the caption. Any article where photos are not labeled with the source will not be accepted.

Please refrain from an over usage of photographs and emojis.

5. Use citations

If you are making reference to an article or study then you need to link to that piece. Here’s an article to explain how to do that properly.

6. Content is free of any type of hate speech/language

The purpose of this publication is to connect. So any piece that doesn’t offer some sort of positive connection will be immediately rejected. We will not tolerate any form of hate speech or negativity.

7. If you don’t submit pieces you will be removed as a writer

We want to promote writers and their work, but if we notice writers are not actively submitting pieces we will remove them from the publication to make room for writers who want to contribute.

Follow these rules:

Let’s make a deal

If you haven’t heard from us within 48 hours, please consider your story not accepted at this time. Don’t let that discourage you! Keep submitting pieces to us!



Sarah Seweryniak
The Content Connect

I write about Marketing, Self-Improvement & Parenting | Increase your article read time and grow your Medium following: https://bit.ly/3sRopdn