The Content Corp

We build stories that move people.


What do you need to tell the world?

There has never been a more important time for companies to be there for their customers than today. Amid Covid concerns, and in the wake of social justice reforms brought on by the #BLM movement, clients and customers are looking for good information to make the best decisions possible for themselves, their families and our world.

People also want to know that the companies they are doing business with care about important social issues, such as equality and sustainability, and are prepared to invest for the betterment of all people. If you have not re-evaluated your company’s messaging since last Spring, you may be headed for trouble.

You have important views and information to share that will help people navigate these difficult times, and it is your responsibility to get that help to the people who need it — and will benefit from it. Regardless of what your area of expertise is — we know you have an exciting, inspirational and helpful story to tell. How will you, your team, your company, your product, your process or your service… help people? Think about it — what do you need to tell the world?

“The firms and teams that will become market influencers and thought leaders will be those that set a strategy to have a steady drum beat of interaction with their constituency. Consistent support and outreach will positively affect a firms’s market eminence, grow community and drive profit. Those that fail to establish a continual dialogue with potential customers and clients will find it difficult to compete in a social, digital marketplace going forward.”

At The Content Corp, we don’t waste time and we don’t mess around. We feel it is our responsibility to support you in communicating dynamically with your constituency, and we take that very seriously. Our process is not burdensome, its 1–2–3.

1.Strategize; First, we will sit down with you and discover who you are now — and who you want to become. We will clarify what your goals are, who your customers are — and who they will be in the future.

2.Create; Next we begin to create. A simple, clear process will have you producing beautiful content in days, within a program built to grow for years. But gorgeous, unique, provocative content is only half the journey — the other half is sharing it!

3.Share; The Content Corp is especially dedicated to making sure you get the maximum results from the pieces you create, and will help you customize sharing strategies for each individual story.

Our Commitment To Collaborate With You.

Ultimately, the goal The Content Corp has for its clients is for them to build an exceptional, internal storytelling capability of their own. It is our intention to work with our clients to build programs within their companies that will steadily and stably produce and share exemplary content consistently. In these relationships,The Content Corp vows to help drive communication, creation and sharing strategies by being on hand at each stage of the continual process. This commitment to collaboration, we find — keeps our clients writing — and their businesses growing! Put storytelling into your company’s DNA Today. The Content Corp. We Build Stories that Move People.

Now more than ever, people are committed to making smart, informed decisions for themselves, their families and their businesses. Your clients and potential customers deserve to be able to simply and clearly understand exactly who you are — what you do — and how you can help them. Your internal teams also deserve the clarity and commitment that comes with the continual creation and sharing of sophisticated market insights, and news concerning company direction. Business Storytelling can help your customers, engage your people, expand your community, improve your eminence — and grow your business.

Put storytelling into your company’s DNA Today. The Content Corp. We Build Stories that Move People.




Bethelle Desmond
The Content Corp. We Build Stories that Move People.

Chief Storyteller, Fascinated by Strategy, Content, Storytelling — and the Future of Business.