Adding to the conversation on Abortion

Lovelyn Ayeni
The content queens
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

Overtime, abortion has been a touchy subject across different countries. Questions on abortion swing from whether abortion is wrong or right, whether it should be made legal or not, and even the classic one whether a fetus is a human being or not.

Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

In the modern world where the society keeps changing, abortion has become an inevitable practice among women of several age groups due to health risks, casual sex, unwanted pregnancy, rape.

In my country Nigeria where abortion isn't legalized, several lives are being put at risk, individuals are not provided with pre-abortion and post-abortion counselling, women involved in abortion are seen as murderers.

When compared to a country like South Africa where abortion is legalized, women of all ages are allowed to have abortions, as long as she’s not more than 13 weeks pregnant. A woman can get an abortion with genuine reasons if she’s between 13–20 weeks pregnant, a woman can only get abortion if her live or the fetus is in danger when she’s over 20 weeks pregnant.

Also in South Africa, abortions are carried out by medical doctors and nurses who have received special training. This has reduced the rate of maternal deaths caused by abortion.

On this note, I am not arguing on the pro-choice or pro-life side because whether abortion is legalized or not, people would still have abortions. Women would ultimately decide whether to give birth or abort. For one woman, abortion might be an unpleasant situation, for another, a forceful childbirth might be a nightmare. The same set of rules can’t be applicable everywhere but it all depends on perception, strength and situation a woman finds herself in.

What’s your own opinion on abortion?

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