10 Reasons Why Milo Yiannoupolos Remains Europe’s Biggest Troll

Mason Bagget
The Continental
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

Roughly a year ago last February Milo Yiannopoulos caused his greatest scandal yet as comments he made defending pedophilia surfaced. The recently married alt-right Breitbart editor, provocateur, and in-real-life troll was let go from his book deal with Threshold Editions and forced to resign from his position at Breitbart.

Milo refrained from any notable public appearances in the four months since his mangled apology for his comments on pederasty. He’s remained fairly quiet since, except to announce the founding of his future media startup, MILO Inc. So while the troll might be wounded, he’ll crawl back out of his cave eventually with a new book deal.

While his comments on pedophilia are abhorrent, Milo’s spouted outrageous bigotry for years and targeted almost every marginalized group in the world, including the LGBTQ community he himself belongs to. Here are 10 quotes to remind us why Milo Yiannopoulos is still Europe’s most vicious troll.

  1. “So, most Muslims think I’m unacceptable. Fine. I also think their religion is unacceptable. And not just “radicals” and “extremists” — their entire, barbaric, backwards ideology.”

Oh, but religious discrimination isn’t based in backwards ideology at all right? Because its not barbaric if its espoused by a white guy.

2.“ You see, if a fatty isn’t shamed immediately, it’s likely that the hambeast’s self-destructive behaviour might spread to its friends.”

In Milo-world, anyone who is overweight is a “hambeast” (still unclear on what this entails), and shall be referred to as “it”. Except for Trump who shall be referred to as “Daddy”.

3. “When the left tells you that people were ‘born this way,’ that was an invention. They came up with that in the 90s and the 80s to get at the religious right who were saying love the sinner but hate the sin, so the gay lobby thought, ‘Well what if we’re like women or blacks, what if we don’t have a choice? That makes them bigots…”

Does it Milo? Does it really?

4. “One of my most popular catchphrases is ‘Feminism is Cancer’.”

Because apparently wanting equal rights for women is totally the same thing as a horrible disease that causes mass suffering.

5. “…gays should get back in the closet because we’re making society stupid because gay people aren’t breeding anymore.”

I think it’s safe to say that a significant portion of the gay community, myself included, would take being out of the closet over Milo reproducing any day of the week.

6. “They love abortions! Like it’s a badge of honor. It’s like Scout badges.”

The appropriate facial reaction to that comment.

This gem refers to feminists’ apparent “love” of abortions. Its also one of the many pieces of evidence that Milo actually started “alternative facts” before Conway even gave it a name. What a trendsetter.

7. “These beta orbiting cucks proudly carry the feminist banner, but they look at the cause as their best hope to get laid. Why do you think so many male feminists turn out to be virgins, perverts or, even more often, both?”

It’s 2017, can we please stop using “cuck” as an insult? Seriously. There’s also much more of a correlation between endorsing pedophilia and being a pervert than there is between that and supporting women’s rights.

8. “Their outfits are hilarious. Ridiculous. Is there anything more comically sinister than the sight of a herd of women swathed in black bedsheets?”

Is there anything more comically ridiculous than a 32 year old dressed like a coke dealer from Miami Vice?

9. “Black Lives Matter is the culmination of racial divide. They’re the last socially acceptable hate group in America.”

You were a tech editor at Breitbart…


Ah, the infamous Twitter spat with Leslie Jones in which Milo goaded other, lesser bigoted trolls to viciously harass her for…oh yeah, a Ghostbusters movie they didn’t enjoy.

