Contractbook - The Contract Revolution
3 min readDec 29, 2017


The year that went in Contractbook

Let us take a look back at what we have achieved in 2017: New features, new faces, an investment and a lot of attention.

“New Years is a good time to reflect on the year that went by, and Gosh! What a year 2017 has been!”

My fingers are itchy, my throat sore and I am bathed in sweat because of all the terrible klichés I must surrender myself to with this blog. But there is no way around it, the boss has ordered it, and I must admit that 2017 has been a milestone for Contractbook and our overall objective: To create the best and most straightforward contract management tool imaginable.

Think of it… All the new features, all the new faces, all the new users and finally the new investment that has strengthened us significantly ahead of 2018. Below this sentimental bullshit, I have laid out a little trip down The Contractbook Memory Lane with all the major highlights from 2017.

Enjoy, Comrades!

The Investment

About a month ago we had the pleasure of announcing that we have received a new multi-million investment from a successful trio of investors consisting of Stig Hølledig, Henrik Holmark and Lars-Erik Christensen. We are absolutely thrilled about the professional capacity they bring to our board and of course the funding that enables us to gear up at all fronts. We are coming for you, 2018!

The Attention

Contractbook received a lot of attention this year. We sponsored the first ever LegalTech-Hackathon in Copenhagen and contributed to the TechCrunch BBQ by literally killing a printer.

We also launched this blog and managed to get lots of media attention in Denmark. Our CEO, Niels, position us as GDPR-thought leaders in Altinget, and we received massive attention from media-platforms such as Finans, ITwatch and TechSavvy, when the investment got through.

The Product in 2017

We have managed to improve Contractbook even more by:

  1. Adding a new Team Management-Setup to create glass-like transparency, a straightforward hierarchy and the complete overview of your organisation.
  2. Completely redesigning the user interface to make our application more straightforward and intuitive. We know that contracts and agreements are boring, but it should not be complicated.
  3. Improving the storage-function so you can upload all your old documents and stash them with your new ones. Keep all your legal documents in one digitalized and secure place.
  4. Reshaping the brand to stand out from our competitors and appear both reliable, innovative and exciting. Read more about the process here.
  5. Uploading a bunch of new templates with editable fields such as Salaried, Fixed Term-contract and the no less than three internship agreements. There is no better way to speed up the process.
  6. Introducing a new Billing-function the secure seamless and efficient payments.
  7. Upgrading the performance and overall speed of the site impressively. More than a 1000 new small adjustments have made sure that everything has been running smoothly.

The People

We have hired a bunch of new talented people and our small remote offices can now be found in Poland, Ukraine and Denmark (HQ) . In the illustration below, you can see how the team looks at the end of 2017.


Happy New Years folks, we look forward to seeing all of you and we hope to continue being your very-best contract-management tool next year.

