Game(s) of the Year (That I played) 2019

Deathmaster’s Videogame Stuff
6 min readDec 10, 2019

So I don’t really do favorites, I just don’t. So instead of doing a list of games I like I’m instead going to do a list of games that came out this year in the order in which they came out, that I played and what I thought of them.

Apex Legends

I don’t play battle royales, they just don’t interest me. But because I love Titanfall so much and because other people I know played this that I decided to give this one a try. I can’t say that it’s a favorite and I dropped it pretty soon after I started, but I did have fun with what little I did play. The Gameplay’s pretty solid as is the map design. It’s nowhere near as fun or energetic as Titnafall though. The Microtransactions can fuck right off too. In conclusion I hope Titanfall 3 will still be a thing. Thumbs in the middle for this one.

God Eater 3

I had never played any of the previous God Eater so I didn’t really know what I was in for. Having finished it I can say that it’s just alright. It feels in many ways like a cheap knockoff of Monster Hunter. It some things better but more often it doesn’t feel as good. Also the writing is just terrible, cheap and cheesy and too often shit happens offscreen that gets referenced like we should know what’s happening. I didn’t really play it at all outside when I was streaming it, even to do busy work grinding. Thumbs in the middle this one.

Far Cry: New Dawn

Fucking fuck right off with this shit. Holy crap, the follow up to what was probably the worst game I played in 2018. New Dawn has to continue the story of Cult Leader Jacob being right about the apocalypse and brainwashing the previous protagonist. It does that by introducing some even more poorly developed villains and having the new protag align with a Fascist and Jacob in order to win. I’ll say that the gameplay is solid like it is in every Far Cry game, but that’s all I’ll give it. Thumbs as far down as you can go.

Devil May Cry 5

I had actually never played any Devil May Cry games before this one. Largely because I’m not good at this kind of game as proven when I played Bayonetta. However it turned out fine and this game turned out to be very good. Loved the story, loved the gameplay, I even liked V, who was very odd to play but I managed it. This one gets solid thumbs up from me.

Mortal Kombat 11

They didn’t put my boy Ermac in this. Besides that and hiring Rhonda Rousey and all the shit that happened with Netherealm Studios around the time this came out this was alright. I liked the story quite a bit and the Towers of Time is fun and the gameplay is always fun if a bit janky compared to other fighting games but the bizarre way they set up the Krypt like they were going to put Microtransactions there but never did (Not there anyway) was just way too grindy to enjoy. Two bloody thumbs in the middle for this one.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

I also don’t play Metroidvania games and this game is not going to change that. That being said it was fine, it takes a real long time to get going and it’s decent when it does. The soundtracks pretty good and it’s good to look at. The story though isn’t all that memorable and that’s a big one for me. Thumbs in the middle.

Remnant: From the Ashes

I’ve been wanting Dark Souls style shooter for years, and I got it, and it was great! I absolutely loved the gameplay and the Diablo styled randomly generated worlds. I also loved the vast variety of worlds that can be visited in game I hope that we get DLC to see even more of them. Thumbs up for this one.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Speaking of Monster Hunter, this was grand. I loved the base game and getting to have more of it was great. Loved the new Hoarfrost Reach map and the new gimmicks that introduced to the gameplay. I didn’t really care for the Guiding Lands gimmick because it feels too grindy. but still, Thumbs up here!

Gears 5

I hate to say it but I think the series is still in the downslope. I didn’t dislike this one but I had many issues with it. The story killed its big conflict about halfway through and I still don’t care for most of the new characters. I’m not a fan of the new Escape Mode and while they’re an improvement from the Loot Boxes from the last game, the new Microtransactions are super confusing. That being said the gameplay is solid as always and the multiplayer is still quite good. Thumbs in the middle.


I went over the issues I had with this ones story issues earlier so I won’t mention them here but I will say that the gameplay, while nothing special and pretty janky, was decent enough that I never got tired of it. Thumbs in the middle.

Code Vein

As far as Dark Souls games with Dark Souls gameplay goes, this is one of the better ones. Its got the same issues as most Dark Souls games such as bullshit difficulty at times and an iffy story but the rest of the gameplay is pretty solid and it has an amazing Character Creator. Two Thumbs up here!

The Outer Worlds

I wasn’t planning to get this one, mostly because I kept forgetting that it existed. Having played it though I can say that it’s pretty good. The gameplay it pretty solid and I liked most of the story. I’m not a fan of retro future designs but that’s just me and the game feels unfinished at points. But otherwise good stuff, thumbs up.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo is always good and more of it is good. Only Halo Reach is in the collection at the moment so I can only comment on that. And as it turns out that after all these years its still quite good. It is weird going back and playing it after all the changes the later games made but that’s just me. Also the matchmaking needs work, There are long stretches of it being unable to find games. But it was good when it found them. So one thumb up, maybe two when it gets fixed.

