The potential of the conversational future

The conversational future
3 min readNov 1, 2017

So, it is settled: the use of conversational agents will keep increasing. Why is this so exciting? And how can you participate?

Written by: Lisanne van Nieuwkerk

In our last article the growth and anchoring of digital agents is explained and thus the conversational future. Fact is that at this moment 55% of teens use voice search on their smartphones daily and the acceptance is growing and growing.

Why we like it so much

KPCB researched the reasons why we use voice assistance and the main reason is easy: the technology improved and now it makes life much easier: we can manage stuff by talking to our device in the car, at home, whenever we don’t have the option to type. Also people found that their busy schedules require these kind of service. Of course, the gadget vibe around it is also a reason for people to try and get hooked.

5 Reasons why the use of digital assistants will keep increasing

While Tractica predicted a use of 1,8 billion digital assistants, some say the use of these assistants will outgrow the human population. Why?

  1. When the etiquette evolves, the crowd will no longer feel resistance towards the bots and get used to using them and actually expect that this is their new way of being serviced.
  2. For companies there is a huge potential by creating unique engagement and new business models: never before it was so easy to really get a 1–1 conversation and collect data so valuable.
  3. The ease of speaking to device which will act upon your demands and your other smart devices makes life easier for everybody, but especially for people with needs.
  4. The smarter devices get, the more we like to connect it all and rule them by using one device, preferably by voice.
  5. The more we use them, the smarter they get. Scary, but also very convenient.

The potential for companies? Easy.

As reason 2 pointed out: there is huge potential for companies. How to leverage this the opportunity?

Easy. Your bots go everywhere people communicate and thus you can communicate with your customers wherever they are: multi channel, multi lingual, multi domain, personal and fully automated. It really doesn’t get more personal and even better: it’s ultimately scalable.

Getting excited or getting scared? We always like a good conversation. Start a conversation here.

Want to listen more about AI? Watch this interesting video made by AI guru Frank Chen (watch time 45 min)

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The conversational future

We are strategists, technologists, innovators and business developers that embrace the opportunities that new technology offers and create growth. We are Sound.