6 Triggers That Explains Viral Marketing

Jonah Chew
Viral Proverbs
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2014

There are loads of explanations all over the net over what is Viral Marketing, and what does it take to go viral. But to truly know what it is, think of it as how ideas will spread. They do not follow specific sets of templates, but they have an underlying pattern.

Read on to see if you agree.

By viral, it can mean:

"pertaining to or involving the spreading of information and opinions about a product or service from person to person, especially on the Internet or in e-mails: a clever viral ad. See viral marketing."

"becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the Internet: the most memorable viral videos; This book is already viral two weeks before its official publication date."

To go viral simply means to spread wild and fast and the Internet is a good medium for this.

The Term

The “Viral Marketing” term is new but the concept is not. It is just coined recently. Previously without the internet, how does a message, product or even trend go viral?

For example, we can see a sudden explosion of a certain fashion style in the 60’s, 70’s through 90’s. What made the afro such a popular hairstyle in the 60’s?

Why is the undercut hairstyle so popular now in 2013?

They go viral. Not necessarily marketing, but information can go viral. Viral is a term derived from viruses and bacteria because viruses spread very quickly.

Marketing can be done in a similar way too. We just need to find the relevant people, methods, motivations and triggers. It doesn't have to be very expensive. In fact, the good news is viral marketing can be very effective and low cost, if done correctly.

The Internet

Often, people get mixed up with Online/Internet Marketing with Viral Marketing. They are not the same. As mentioned previously, Viral Marketing occurs before Internet is created.

The Internet is a wonderful medium/ platform/ channel to escalate the virality of a campaign. But really, it’s not the only way.

For so long, marketers are looking for the absolute way to spread messages fast and wild. Sadly there are no definite ways. But there are ways that definitely define the characteristics of Viral Marketing.

The 6 Triggers


When it touches us, we want to share them to people around us. We share funny videos, informative content and cute kitty pictures because they stirred an emotion in us and we feel fuzzy. Emotions play a very big part on why we share content online. We share to feel good. We share because we care for people. We share to warn our friends.

Not only what is written but also the delivery of it. The graphics, colour, fonts, style must speak their language to touch them. Emotion is the key here.


When the content is useful and helpful, it has the value and people will share it. Because it is the value that attracts people to the content or offer. Sometimes, using the power of freebies can help to spread even more. But more importantly, use it to induce reciprocity to create loyalty.


Information exists because of people. If you have a message to share and you want more people to know, finding and knowing the sharing habits are essential. People like to share information around when it helps other people. Craft messages that is for human beings and not... software and programs. They will go viral.


Know where to find your target users. The content/advertisement/message has to be relevant to the target crowd. Be relevant and know what your consumers are looking for because only relevant product/content will be a hit to your target audience.


When people can share contents with just a click, they spread easier. If you have a superb content but there are no share buttons, it discourages people (subconsciously) to share and the rates of it being shared won’t be as high.

Sure, people can still copy and paste your link on Facebook. But if you can just put a share button there at a convenient spot, the rate of sharing will go higher.

Also, placement of the buttons are important as well. Some trial and errors are definitely needed. Couple that with common sense and ask yourself and present the content to friends and family members and check how fast are their response rate to sharing are good ways to test whether your content is easy to share or not.

Have sharing buttons available readily. Make your content highly shareable and a joy to share.


Attention here means 2 things – How attention seeking is your piece that it attracts people to share and the attention people get when they share.

Bottom-line for this is you need to create an awesome material and it will get the attention it deserves. Think about it and this is actually a win-win situation for both sides: it looks good on you, as well as the person who shares it.

To spread effectively, knowing what and how to create is one aspect, knowing who to spread is also an art.

Check out ViralProverbs for more content on going Viral!

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