Anju Sebastian
The CookBook for all
4 min readNov 9, 2020


Curated in FOOD

Quick Shortcrust Rough Puff Creamy Chicken Pie

Shortcrust Rough Puff Creamy Chicken Pie, Image by Author

My husband is requesting chicken pie for some time. Whenever I bake a cookie or cake, he would tell me, this is nice, but how about a chicken pie?

Sure, the Chicken pie is good, especially store-bought ones in Singapore known as Polar’s Chicken pie. They have these nice laminated layers melts in the mouth.

But I didn't have the courage to do that at home yet. I have been studying and studying and found these 2 types of puffs.

  • Shortcrust style puff pastry
  • Classic puff pastry, laminated layers

Shortcrust rough puff is thick. It can be easily made using a food processor fitted with a metal blade, same as chicken pot pie, whereas laminated need longer effort and time, carefully laminates the butter without melting to create the flaky layers.

The dough is rolled out to a rectangular shape and given a three-or four-fold.

Shortcrust Rough Puff Ingredients

Yield: 6 Puffs

1 cup (4.5 ounces) all-purpose flour

140g (5 ounces)cold unsalted butter

1/4 cup cold tap water

1/2 teaspoon salt



Anju Sebastian
The CookBook for all

Medium is a “medium” to express me; I am a doting wife, Mother of 2 little angels, an accidental home cook, and an IT professional residing in Singapore