Anju Sebastian
The CookBook for all
3 min readAug 21, 2020


Cooking Recipe: Curated in FOOD

Traditional Indian Dosa With a Twist, Rich in Taste

An easy and simple twist using Wheat flour

Photo by Anju

Some of you heard about dosa, while some may not. The one food I could easily compare with Dosa is Crêpe — the thin pancake originated from France.

When I think of dosa, an Indian traditional all-time dish, the first thing that comes to my mind is about the sizzling sound it makes when the batter is poured on a hot greasy pan with a pinch of added butter or Ghee.

By adding a bit of Butter or Ghee’s presence makes the dosa very crispy, crunchy, and tasty. The variations emerge with different naming conventions due to the flavor, such as Butter Dosa, Ghee Dosa, and the list goes on.

But nobody tells you the real effort required behind the preparation of this all-time dish. It’s a dish that is easy to cook, barely within 1–2 minutes. The lengthy preparation involves soaking of rice and lentils around 5–6 hours, grind them in a fine batter and keep the batter overnight for fermentation.

I do make very traditional dosa at least once a week home. Here I am giving a twist which makes the process which is much easier to prepare the batter, be it for breakfast or dinner. The twist doesn’t guarantee you the original taste of the dosa due…



Anju Sebastian
The CookBook for all

Medium is a “medium” to express me; I am a doting wife, Mother of 2 little angels, an accidental home cook, and an IT professional residing in Singapore