Welcome Fall With This Comforting and Easy Slow-Cooker Lentil Soup

A perfect one-pot meal to usher in cooler temps.

Patricia Joseph
The CookBook for all


Slow-Cooker Lentil Soup
Photo credit: P. Joseph

I’m ecstatic that the most wonderful time of year has finally arrived! No, I’m not referring to Christmas. But, the season of slow-cooker and one-pot meals that home cooks like me have waited for all year. There’s no better way to welcome the cooler temps than a hearty and warm bowl of soup like lentils.

I kickstart my fall cooking season, after the arrival of Labor Day, when memories of summer start to fade. I search the web and flip through magazines looking for the perfect recipe. Then, I realize that my tried-and-true lentil soup recipe requires little effort, which is why I like making this soup at the start of the season.

I start preparation for my first soup of the season early — taking stock of all my ingredients, so I’m fully prepared. I anxiously pull-out my slow-cooker to inspect from lack of use, since the last fall cooking season.

On the day of preparation, the slow-cooker is set in its usual spot on the counter, as in previous seasons. Then, it’s time to rinse the lentils and prep the vegetables for a 2-hour slow and simmering cook.

Like a mother hen watching over her young, I check the lentils every so often as they soften and cook to…



Patricia Joseph
The CookBook for all

Wife, mother, healthy lifestyle lover, and blogger. I’m inspired to write about moments in life that move me!