
You’ll Love This Garlic Sauce Recipe

Very simple and delicious.

Ibrahim K
The CookBook for all
1 min readJan 7, 2021


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This is the best garlic sauce recipe I tried. It’s best especially as a dip for grilled chicken, chicken wings, and shawarma.


  • Pinch of salt.
  • One big lemon.
  • 5 to 7 garlic cloves (the more the stronger the taste).
  • 1 Tsp Cornflour.
  • 1/2 Cup of cooking oil (Don’t use olive oil, because it changes the taste).


  1. Add all the ingredients to the mixer excluding the cooking oil.
  2. Keep mixing for one minute.
  3. From the mixer cover, while it is mixing, add oil through a nozzle that is very thin. Pour continuously.
  4. The sauce eventually should look very creamy.

Note: In case after mixing all the ingredients the dip looked liquid. Add more cornflour.

Bon appetite

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