Women In Tech: A conversation with DreemKacher’s App Creator Raygrid Calderon

Rosi Sellers
The Cool.
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2016

March marks Women’s History Month and we kick it off with Ms.Calderon as she talks being a woman in tech and even dishes some advice for those looking to get into the tech game!

As a freelancer I’m always looking for new ways to find clients/business to work with and as a business owner I’m also keep my eye out for fresh talent who can help me complete different projects and expand my business. Raygrid Calderon’s newly revamped app “DreemKacher”, currently available via iOS, helps make both of those searches much easier. It creates a visual resume of sorts to help candidates stand out from the crowd as well as highlight their capabilities and experiences in ways traditions resumes fall short of.

What is the main goal of the DreemKacher App?

Calderon: The app has many beneficial features but the main goal of the app is to connect a“dreemer” to a “kacher”. A dreemer is someone who is showcasing his or her talent,providing a service or selling a product. The kacher is a person or company looking for the talent, service or product. The industries range from a student to a model to a chef to a musician and so forth but our main demographic is start-ups. Entrepreneurs who need assisting with building and marketing will benefit the most from using the app.

What was your inspiration behind creating DreemKacher?

Calderon: Personally, I’m a social media junky and I started seeing a trend of entrepreneurs creating profiles and intertwining them with their personal accounts. I saw a struggle for very talented people being overlooked simply because they didn’t have a high number of followers, likes or support on the platform. Entrepreneurs need a professional platform where those items are not factors and really need to be represented professionally while being evaluated by their actual work versus popularity.

How will this new released version of DreemKacher differ from the version originally launched in 2013?

Calderon: Besides the app catering to new technology, interfaces & just overall more appealing to the eye I added new features to help the connection run smoother. We added secure transaction payments from one user to the other, a messaging system and a filter to help the kachers connect specifically to their needs.

Tell me more about your background in technology. Do you have formal training in technology (e.i postsecondary training like college or trade school) or are you self-taught?

Calderon: I am actually self-taught. I didn’t attend a formal training school or major in computer science. As a hobby for some years I created websites & programs, which later on led to dabbling with basic apps & transitioned to what I’m doing now.

How do you feel being a hispanic women in technology has affected you and/or your business, if in any way? Have you witnessed setbacks or accomplishments from being a minority in your field?

Calderon: Being a woman in a male dominated industry itself has its cons but being a minority to that group as well has been rather interesting. I personally don’t understand it because I’m surrounded by strong intelligent women, some being Latina in many different industries but nonetheless when I venture to events, meet ups or conferences most assume I’m the assistant to someone. Besides the superficial obstacles when it comes to taking care of business in a board room I’m so focused on my tasks and creative inputs that a lot of shade flies over me. I’m flattered by the praise I get for my ideas and work not realizing the men are probably praising me because subconsciously they’re surprised.

What’s one piece of advice you would offer someone who has a good idea for an app but isn’t sure where to start?

Calderon: RESEARCH. It’s funny because I get a lot of “I have a million dollar idea” emails which is awesome but a lot of folks don’t know the logistics of their idea to execute or how they will actually receive money from their idea. Research similar apps and from there draw out a business plan on how to create this app and monetize and again do more research!

What else would you like our readers to know about “Dreemkacher”?

Calderon: When I had the idea for the app initially it was solely just an app but now we’re a growing company providing other services outside of the app for entrepreneurs. We provide great tips, inspirational real stories, legal advice and consultations for app building/branding. We’ve also done tons of sponsorships and events to help students and entrepreneurs get started. I personally also do a lot of speaking events to help aid a younger generation into following their dreams and participate in many women’s groups who’s purpose is to motivate and help each other grow both in business and personal.



Rosi Sellers
The Cool.

Former hospitality manager turned freelance digital marketing specialist. Specializing in #food, #tech & #lifestyle brands. https://www.rosisellers.com