The Art of Execution

How to work full-time even when your business is only part-time.

Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience
2 min readJun 30, 2015


The answer is simple. Just put in the work! However, the execution of the idea of executing is a little more complex. Why? Because a lot of us think we’re utilizing those 4–6 hours we have after we come home from our day job — but are we really going all in with the time that is available to us?

Some of my marketing favorites, such as, Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Amy Shmittauer, Marie Forleo, Roberto Blake, and a number of others would say:

“Execution is key.”

That’s a wonderful phrase, isn’t it? How much white space is really in your daily calendar, though? When you get home from your day job, do you have a list of things to accomplish? Do you have a plan of how you’ll allocate what little time you do have available? Or do you take it all as it comes?

Accomplishing a goal, meeting a deadline, and even gaining credibility in your field depends on planning, executing that plan, and building upon those results no matter how fast or how slow you may see those results.

What happens when you neglect having a precise plan to execute on? You simply fail to execute. sure you may get a couple of things done, but you won’t be consistent, you won’t be efficient, and you’ll NEVER reach your potential output. You’ll never provide as much value for others as you could, you’ll be wasting time, and you’ll be wasting energy and life that could be put toward scheduled productivity and scheduled success.

When you ‘take it all as it comes’ you end up taking those four hours that you have available to check your personal Facebook, go make yourself some food while you’re in the middle of writing a blog post, you spend time going from Twitter to YouTube to Facebook before you finish looking at one post or video, and in essence you’re all over the place.

How do you work full-time when you only have four hours a day to dedicate to your business? You schedule those four hours as uninterrupted time that is dedicated to taking care of your top priorities of your business. Client work, marketing, social media engagement, content production, and many other tasks could either be spread out for those four hours or throughout the week. Whatever you feel is most important to your success, schedule in the time, stick to the time, see it through the end and accomplish your goals for the day. In other words: Execute.

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Erick Hoxter
The Copywriter Experience

Erick air-ick (n): Copywriter, blogger, chess hobbyist, philosophy nut, nature & science enthusiast, a music & performing arts junkie