Let’s play a game about moderation

Cards Against Community: A Free Game About Online Conversation

Andrew Losowsky
The Coral Project


We spend a lot of time talking and thinking about how online communities work. If we’re going to make meaningful tools, plenty more people need to do this too.

We want to expand the conversation and involve people from all backgrounds in our work. So we made a card game.

It’s free, open source, and you can download it here.


PDF of the Card Fronts
PDF of the Card Backs
PDF of the game instructions

Buy a copy

We’ve made two pre-made editions available to buy at production cost.

Cards Against Community — Deluxe Edition — $19.99
(includes five sand timers)
Cards Against Community — Normal Edition — $10.99
(identical game, excludes the timers)

How does it work?

It’s a game for 4–6 players, loosely based on Werewolf/Mafia. Each game takes about 20 minutes to play. Click here to download a PDF of the game instructions.

We’ve already taken it to conferences, events, parties to play test it, and to start some interesting conversations. Please download or buy the cards, play the game among your friends and colleagues, and tell us how it goes!

Can I change the cards?

Yes! Change the rules, translate them into another language, add new cards! Help us to make this better.

We’ve uploaded the .psd files to our Cards page. Have at them.

We used these fonts (all free):
Josefin Slab
Roboto Slab
Yanone Kaffeesatz

Everything is open sourced and available on an MIT Open Source License to be used as you wish, with the exception of The Coral Project logo and the Trollface design, which is used in this context with permission. If you wish to make a commercial version of the game, Trollface’s creator, Carlos Ramirez, requires that you remove his design.

If you play a game, do anything cool with the cards, have any suggestions, let us know! You can email us at coral@mozillafoundation.org or tweet at us @coralproject.

We’ll feature the best forks/updates/game photos on this page. Happy playing!

Is it connected to Cards Against Humanity? I love that game.

We love that game too. And no, it’s not connected to or affiliated with Cards Against Humanity LLC. We just loved the name. Consider it a tribute.

Last updated December 23rd 2015
Originally published on
The Coral Project website.



Andrew Losowsky
The Coral Project

Project Lead, The Coral Project; Adjunct Professor, The New School. Formerly: News Corp, HuffPost, Knight Fellow at Stanford. Brit in exile. www.losowsky.com