Welcome to the CORE Message

Nick Howard
The Core Message
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2020

Ever had one of those late-night conversations?

On a nondescript evening in late 2017, Andrew, Zona, and I had one of those late-night discussions that you look back at years later and wonder…“how in the world did we come up with all that?”. With our bodies strewn about Andrew’s living room, we dissertated and dreamed about what was missing in the universe of presentation and communication. Sewn together between the three of us we had coached 1000s of nervous presenters, written speeches for heads of state and Nobel laureates, rebuilt corporate brands from the ground up, led cross-cultural communities of hundreds, and even managed to conquer some serious stage fright of our own. And after years of cobbling together theories, examples, processes, and workshops, it felt like the right time to figure out a GRAND UNIFIED THEORY OF EVERYTHING (well presentation/communication related that is).

And from the mist and either of the communiationverse came…


(insert trumpets blaring here)

Right, okay, not exactly like that. But, it did all come together in a once-in-your-lifetime creative flow. We had collaborated on dozens of workshops and had a fairly refined process, yet the sum of the parts hadn’t managed surpassed the whole. We needed that one key element that every good consultancy has…an acronym. An acronym that was easy to remember, melded all our experiences together, was both complete and left room for expansion, and most importantly — sounded impressive.

That is how CORE was really born. Four simple elements:

CConnect with your audience
OOffer them something of unique value
RReinforce the credibility of your offer
EExecute your game plan

Since that moment in 2017 where we transformed our loose collaboration of friends into Presentality Consulting Inc., CORE has been at the center of everything we do. In the past 3 years we’ve added another couple hundred entrepreneurs to our back-pocket, helped start-ups raise tens of millions in USD, and transformed the corporate communication style of stock-listed companies.

So what does this have to do with you?

As I said before, CORE is both complete and expandable. The CORE Message is our way of sharing our ideas and building something bigger — together with you. We don’t think high-quality communication techniques should be hoarded like precious gold. The better we can all communicate and present, the better the world will be. Ideally, this will be more like a conversation. We will share our experiences, theories, and techniques and hopefully, you will share them back. You can share a little or a lot, we are open to it all.

Sounds good, but you’re really open to conversations?

Of course, leave a comment or drop us a line. We are happy to engage on any communication or presentation related topic. And if you ask nicely, your idea might become an article, post, or video. Looking forward to seeing your elegant prose or rough sketches.


