HBO’s Silicon Valley totally nails East Asians

There’s so many great East Asian characters in it

Jeffrey Yuwono
the cornerplay


Especially in Episode 7 (minor spoilers).

First, if you haven’t seen the show, please meet its diverse cast:

The acting is shit, the dialogue is terrible and the story is mud, but the show just nails the diverse nature of Silicon Valley.

Consider that in the real life Silicon Valley, over 50% of tech workers are Asian. HBO’s Silicon Valley nails this reality with their character choices, as over half the actors in the show are Asian.

The show does an especially good job portraying East Asians. There are so many positive East Asian role models in the show!

In Episode 7 alone we have that tall, masculine and articulate Asian guy who’s obviously working on big important things. His command of the English language is impressive and you can tell he’s great with the ladies. His character is not random at all.

Then you got the classy, chaste Asian woman who would never betray the man she loves enough to recently marry. Not with a stranger she just met with a cheesy appearance and an even cheesier pick-up line: “Have you ever cared too much?” She has absolutely no weakness for unattractive Caucasian men, at all.

I find this show completely unfunny and uninteresting, as it has nothing to do with technology or start-ups, but I love its portrayal of East Asians.

The show also does a great job with respectable black characters and female coders. I don’t know how, but HBO managed to please all constituencies. Superlative!



Jeffrey Yuwono
the cornerplay

3-time tech entrepreneur. Stanford MBA. Duke undergrad. Writes for the cornerplay: gadgets, tech and start-ups. 1/day.