Why we’re leaving Medium

And moving to Wordpress

Jeffrey Yuwono
the cornerplay


I can’t add a new story on Medium with Internet Explorer or any mobile browser. That’s a problem, especially as I currently travel with a Surface 2, iPhone 5S and a Moto G.

Not being able to submit a story when travelling is exceedingly difficult when the objective is to post once a day. So, that’s almost a deal breaker.

But the actual catalyst for leaving is Medium’s philosophy for organizing content. Specifically, how Medium recommends what story to read next.

Here’s what I wrote yesterday on the cornerplay:

It’s a post about a value-for-money smartphone.

If you finish reading that article, here’s what Medium recommends you read next:

What the?!

Why does a story about Satan’s progeny have to follow a story about a value-for-money smartphone? It’s a well written article, granted, but instead of Satan how about an article about tech, gadgets and start-ups? From the same author who the reader found interesting enough to read through in the first place?

And that’s my biggest issue. I understand what Medium is doing. They’re recommending what they think are the best stories, so a reader will go from one great story to the next. But dear cornerplay reader, wouldn’t you rather view a story about tech than one about music (which was what the Satan story was really about)?

The result is that audiences we invite read one article from cornerplay and then go elsewhere into the Medium ether to read something else; they don’t discover what else we wrote. And yet, audiences other writers bring into Medium don’t get directed to us. We’re too new to have readers who happen to be registered on Medium recommending our stories; and therefore, aren’t considered “good.”

It’s a marketing funnel that rewards the established and punishes the new. As a new blog, no thanks.

Creators want to build their own brand; to carve out their corner in the universe; they don’t want to be a speck in a vast universe. Medium doesn’t want you to have your corner; it wants you to be a speck.

It’s just too hard to build a persistent identity on Medium. This blogger’s experience with Medium rings true.

So, we’re moving to Wordpress, where the creation tools are also quite powerful and we can slowly build that corner for ourselves.

Please find us there from today onwards:


(In a few days, http://cornerplay.com will point to there as well.)



Jeffrey Yuwono
the cornerplay

3-time tech entrepreneur. Stanford MBA. Duke undergrad. Writes for the cornerplay: gadgets, tech and start-ups. 1/day.