Five Things That Drive Employees in Big Organisations Crazy

And How Managers Can Fix Them

Mark Palmer
The Corporate Circus


Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

Working in a big organisation can be challenging.

There are often a myriad of issues, and perhaps the most frustrating thing is that many of them seem straightforward to solve.

But year after year, they continue and often get worse.

Here are five common problems employees face in big organisations and how senior managers can and should address them.

The Boss Always Knows Best

How often do you have changes imposed on you that cause you problems and are then told that it is being done for your benefit?

Of course, senior managers can and should make changes, but please do not tell us that something is being done to help us when it has another purpose.

Sometimes, things are even done genuinely expecting them to help employees, but without bothering to ask those who will be affected in the first place.

This is not difficult.

Your employees almost certainly know far more about the detailed way your business runs day to day.

So, if you want to improve things and make their lives easier, ask them what they would do.



Mark Palmer
The Corporate Circus

Freelance autistic writer based in the UK. I focus on neurodivergence, mental health issues, and building better workplaces.